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Use Collaboration for Better Teamwork

In this article in Talent Management [1], management expert Thomas Handcock, gives an interesting take on what I think gets to the root of better teamwork skills—“getting work done today requires more collaboration among a broader and more diverse set of people.” Collaboration is imperative for better teamwork and a more productive workplace.

The fact that collaboration is a foundation of better teamwork may not seem provocative, but it’s what goes into collaboration that makes the difference between teams who simply get along and teams who perform at higher level. The essence of collaboration is an activation of differences, ideas, expertise and perspectives. Teamwork in today’s more networked workplace means harnessing differences in a new way, because highly diverse workforces are the new norm.

It’s a more complex work environment with greater human capital consequences—CEB research reported that 60% of employees report working with ten or more people each day. More than likely, those relationships encompassed more than one team with more than one manager to report to. How can you better harness collaboration to gain better teamwork skills? Well, it depends on your role in the organization.

Individual Contributors or Team Members: If you’re an “individual contributor,” first you can throw out that term…truly you are a team member since nearly all work today requires collaboration. What you can do is:

Learning and Development Leaders and Trainers: You are the driving force behind building better teamwork skills and creating stronger organizations. If you’re not stoking effective collaboration, then you aren’t doing your job. As an HR leader or talent management professional you can:

No matter your role in an organization, collaboration is one core way to drive better teamwork skills.

Learn how to build better teams - no trust falls required! Download our eBook [2]

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