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Is it Time to Hit the Reset Button?

Keeping staff aligned is essential to performance and engagement. As employees have navigated returning to the office, going remote again or adapting to a hybrid work model, there have been many opportunities for disconnection. Luckily, Emergenetics® Associates have the resources to help coworkers build a common understanding to boost success.

6 Signs a Team May Need to Realign

A reset may be useful for several reasons. It helps to engage colleagues if it has been a while since they last took part in any team building activities. It also supports groups that have experienced change in their makeup or work environment.

Teams may also need adjustments if there are recurring performance issues. If any of the behaviors listed below are showing up with teams you work with, it could be time to intentionally connect:

1) Some coworkers do not contribute during meetings.
2) Miscommunications happen regularly.
3) Individuals seem out of the loop or missing information.
4) Milestones and deadlines are not being met.
5) People are nervous to give or receive feedback with their colleagues.
6) Staff are disengaged from collective goals.

5 Emergenetics Resources to Increase Team Cohesion

If you feel that the employees you work with could use a reset, it’s worth the time to help colleagues understand how they prefer to approach their work as well as identify strategies to improve workplace relationships and performance. Emergenetics Associates can help accomplish those goals by utilizing the tools below.

1. Host an Emergenetics Essential Workshop

Even if team members have experienced a Meeting of the Minds or Team Dynamics for Small Groups [1] session before, the workshops serve as an excellent way to reestablish bonds, especially if you have new hires or if employees have not had a shared learning experience. As part of the workshops, our Associates offer specific strategies to promote effective collaboration and communication based on the attendees’ Emergenetics results.

2. Utilize Spectrum Reports with Managers

A team’s Expressiveness, Assertiveness and Flexibility spectrums provide a great deal of insight. Associates can sit down with managers to review the preferences of their direct reports and shed light on how their people’s Behaviors impact the ways they engage with their work, in meetings and with coworkers. Using this knowledge, managers can better adapt their leadership style and create norms to support all individuals, so they feel more comfortable contributing.

3. Share Group Reports with Teams

Associates can attend department or cross-functional team meetings to review attendees’ Combined Group Profile and Dot Graph. Using these pieces of information, participants discover where they share similarities with their colleagues as well as important differences that may impact their dynamics. Associates can facilitate a conversation around opportunities to enhance cooperation and create productive working relationships.

4. Engage in 3-2-1 Activities

Associates have access to many activities that they can lead with groups. Starting with these three – Profile Review, Buoy Your Collaboration Efforts and Boost Your Communication Practices – group members learn about their colleagues’ innate strengths. The activities also reveal opportunities to change the way they interact and communicate so that everyone has the tools to work together more effectively.

5. Use the Attributes in Action Guides

These resources are available to Associates and Profile holders alike! Using the following guides – Setting Goals, Fuel Your Motivation and Adapt to Changing Priorities – you can align on objectives. The templates provide tips to define targets and stay united using each person’s preferred Emergenetics Attributes. You may also wish the explore the entire Attributes in Action Guides library to navigate common workplace challenges.

As employees have adapted to different ways of working, it’s likely that teams have adjusted their tactics when it comes to communication, collaboration and norms. Some of the changes may be working smoothly while others may require retooling. Tapping into the expertise of an Emergenetics Associate can help you empower your people with the insights to reconnect, realign and optimize their dynamics.

Discover how Emergenetics enhances collaboration and effectiveness today. Explore our website [2] or fill out the form below to speak with one of our staff directly.